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A New Beginning

January 1 2015

Welcome! We are excited to be unveiling the new website. What do we have to offer? I’m glad you asked!

New Features

Our new website has great features for today’s internet user. We’re mobile friendly so you can access our site from your living room to the congregational resource room on any device you like! The search feature allows you to find visual aids and other materials by name, topic keywords, publisher, or isbn. Login with Facebook or create a separate account with us. You can even create a wishlist for future shopping.

Your transactions are completely secure; you’ll never have to worry about anyone stealing your information through our site. You can even pay with PayPal!

One new feature that we hope to implement in the near future is video. What do you think? Would it be helpful to have a demonstration of how to use a particular visual? How might this help you?

New Products

Our new site has almost 1,000 products more than before! We want to be a one-stop shop for Bible class teachers, so we have gathered books you need for your own study, rewards for the kids, maps, ABeka cards, Rose wall charts, WVBS posters, puppets for the nursery class, supplies for making your own visuals, and much more. And of course, we have more than 500 original visual aids plus a songbook.

New Blog

From time to time, we’ll have some things to share with you through our blog. Our main goal is to offer encouragement to keep on keeping on! But we also plan to introduce some people who help us from time to time, discuss new products or ideas, highlight favorite visuals, and let you know about sales on products we buy from other businesses that you might find helpful. On occasion, we will offer you a freebie! We may even have a guest writer along the way. We’re open to any ideas or suggestions you have to make this most helpful to you!

Many of you reading this are "old friends” – so we invite you to spread the word about our new website. Be sure to tell the folks in your congregations. Find us on Facebook and Twitter.

We’re here. How can we help you today?


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