Prophecy and Fulfillment


Connecting the Old Testament to the New

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From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is full of prophecies. If God had not kept His Word even one time, He would not be Jehovah. But the Bible gives us fulfillments of those prophecies to instruct and ensure us that He WILL do for us what He has said He will do!

Sometimes, the Bible is explicit— "this is that which was spoken”; this makes it easy for younger children to see the connection between Old Testament prophecy and New Testament fulfillment. Other times, the Bible does not connect the fulfillment to a specific prophecy, but the connection is still fairly easy to see. At times, though, understanding the connection requires more Bible knowledge and higher-level thinking. This multi-age visual allows the teacher to adapt to multiple levels of understanding. Use only the pieces you need for the current lesson!

Each prophecies page of this visual has 2 pieces: 1) a scroll with illustration and Old Testament reference for a prophecy; and 2) an open Bible with illustration and New Testament fulfillment. Twenty-eight prophecies include details about the birth, life, and death of Christ, along with the church. Final page is an illustration of "God breathed.”

57 pieces approx. 5” x 7”