The Story of Rahab


Faithful Rahab's story told with acrostics

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Our world is very confused about how we got here. The Bible is very clear that the Almighty God made the world in 6 24-hour days., but the world is very busy teaching our children evolution and atheism. We must be diligent in teaching them about God and creation!

This 3-page poster set offers evidence for creation from three fronts: the law of biogenesis, the law of cause and effect, and the evidence for design. Each argument for creation is illustrated with colorful and clear images; the scientific laws are spelled out; and Bible passages are included. Each poster boldly proclaims that “Science and the Bible agree!”

3 11" x 17" pages

As Joshua and the nation of Israel prepared to conquer Canaan (Joshua 2), Joshua sent 2 spies into the first city in their path—Jericho. They found a woman named Rahab. She took them in and protected them. Because of her faith, she and her family were rescued when Jericho was destroyed.


This exciting story is told in alliteration. The text of the points is available for readers, and images are provided for non-readers. We recommend using both for all ages!


Optional: Use a red piece of yarn instead of the scarlet cord image.




Received the spies—hiding them on the roof image
Refused the king’s command—”They are gone” image

Remembered the Red Sea— Moses parting the Sea image

Respected Jehovah as the God of heaven—Jehovah is the God image

Requested safety for her family—Rahab with folded hands image

Rigged a scarlet cord—scarlet cord image

Rescued from destruction—family group image

1 letter approx. 11” x 17”, 2 pages 17” wide to make the yellow poster plus seven pieces of varying sizes