Why are Men the Leaders


Can men and women lead in public worship?

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Why doesn't mommy get to preach? That kind of question often comes innocently from the mouths of our students who have not been taught about leadership in worship.

This visual addresses the topic of male leadership in the Lord's church. Begin with the open Bible and the words men and women showing on the magnetic board. Put up the school house and ask "Who is in charge?" in school. Discuss that the Bible does not address specifically if man or woman is in charge in school. Move the word pieces around, putting men "over" women and then women "over" men. Do the same with the office image. Then put up the church image. Add the Bible verse piece on top of the Bible and the shh piece to women. Discuss the meaning: that in the church, men do the leading and teaching in mixed assemblies. God has every right to command without explanation, but this time He tells us why. Take off the men and women pieces and replace with Adam and Eve. Then read 1 Tim. 2:13-14. The "why" of men leading is two-fold. Put the creation arrow pointing to Adam and discuss that man is over woman because he was created first. Then put the sin arrow pointing to Eve and discuss that man is over woman because she sinned first.

6 8.5" x 11" pages with pieces of varying sizes
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