God's Animal Kingdom

$9.95 $8.96 ISBN9780932859761

Flash cards of God's creation


One of the tasks that the writers at Apologetics Press take very seriously is helping people of all ages know more about the God Who created them. Through the years, they have learned that if they can begin at a very early age, they enjoy more success in theirefforts. Parents understand the logic behind this reasoning, because they know that bouncing babies have inquisitive minds that are anxious to "soak up” almost everything they experience. Their busy little hands and feet help them explore the world around them during practically every waking moment. But so do their little eyes and ears.

These Creation Cards were specially designed to help parents who are passionate about training their children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” to be able to begin that task at the earliest stages of their child’s development. Each of the 29 cards presents a unique facet of God’s creation. With these cards, a child can explore such things as the Sun, Moon, stars, sky, water, rain, grass, etc., from the comfort of their own environment.

Card Characteristics

  • Brilliant, full-color pictures on the front, combined with fascinating facts on the back.
  • Sturdy, resilient structure designed to endure some serious "exploration.”
  • Two blank cards that can be customized to include some of your child’s favorite aspects of God’s creation.
  • Each card contains special emphasis on God’s design and creative power.
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